Thursday, October 25, 2012
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Darling en Español...

Saludos a toda mi gente que lee mi pagina "Blog".
Prometi hace tiempo a mis clientes que escribiria en mi idioma y aqui estoy cumpliendo la promesa. Para las personas que no me conocen; mi nombre es Darling y soy parte del equipo de fotografos de "Paumenphotography".
PaumenPhotography se fundo hace mas de 7 años por Victor Paumen. Victor estudio en el New York Institute of Photography desde el año 2000 hasta el 2003. Mientras Victor estudiaba fotografia yo estudiaba Negocios Internaciones en la universidad. Mi titulo universitario me llevo a comenzar una maestria en negocios empresariales. Por cosas del destino me di cuenta que la maestria en negocios empresariales no era lo mio y en el año 2006 comence mis estudios de fotografia.
La fotografia es algo que me apasiono desde el primer momento que comence a editar imagenes y descubri un mundo de creatividad que hasta el dia de hoy no deja de impresionarme. Yo estoy especializandome en editacion especial de imagenes digitales. Victor y yo nos especializamos en bodas, retratos, y conceptos digitales. Este Blog es el hogar de las fotografias que no caben en mi pagina web . Victor tambien tiene paumenstudios donde encontraran fotografias que no son relacionadas a bodas sino en intereses personales como fotografias de landscapes, edificios, retratos, ciudades, paises, y personas que conocemos durante nuestros viajes.
Es un placer tenerlos de visita por este medio y poder entretenerles con nuestro arte. Trato de mantener esta pagina con imagenes y historias recientes para que sepan lo que estamos haciendo y tambien para que disfruten nuestros ultimos trabajos.
Saludos a todos....
Darling :-)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Lily Juliet and Javier "Brother and Sister" Playing in-front of the camera
I really enjoyed these images. We manage to capture the essence of my Niece and Nephew - This is exactly how they are and act. The little one is just like her auntie "D", and the boy is such a sweet big brother - sweet and loving. Thank you Lily and Javier for the wonderful times we always have with you. Love you guys!!!

Javier Antonio
My Nephew and Niece
The following images are from my Nephew "Javier Antonio" and my niece "Lily Juliet". Javier Antonio is the perfect mix between my younger sister "Karla" and his father. Lily Juliet as you may already notice looks just like me. I showed these images to a very sweet and wise lady "Elena Hernandez" during my trip to Nashville TN, and was told that she is my spitting image - what do you think? I love these kids! I just wish I had more time to spend with them.

PPA Blog 5
PPA came to an end On Wednesday Jan 13th 2010. I left Nashville, TN with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. I am very proud to say I volunteer for one of the most influential organizations in the world when it comes to photography, and did so with great happiness. I made so many friends along the way, shared with them my ideas, hopes, dreams, and many inspirational experiences. I never thought I would learn so much in 5 days from so many strangers but I did.
All this time I thought I knew who I was as a photographer, however I have learned that a photographer evolves with time. I think I have evolved into a more matured and conscious individual; an individual that has too many ideas to handle at once and must prioritize.
I showed my new friends from PPA (Professional Photographers of America)some of my images and kept hearing from them that I would be an awesome advertisement photographer. I came to the conclusion that I love to make people look good - is that bad? I love it when a client look at his/her images and tell me how much they love them, or tell me that "they cannot believe its them". I love how my images make others happy. I think that everyone is "beautiful" and that it is our job as photographers to bring that out on all our clients.
I am definitely a Wedding and portrait photographer. I love photographing brides, I love photographing people, and most of all I love to go beyond my client's expectations.
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